How to Price a Future: A Comprehensive Guide

Are you tired of manually having to calculate the price of a future? Price futures effortlessly with our Futures Pricing Calculator. In this article, we will delve deep into the methods of pricing futures, explaining everything you need to know to make informed decisions in the futures market. By the end of this guide, you'll understand the intricacies of futures pricing and be ready to leverage this knowledge to your advantage. Don't miss out on the efficiency and precision you deserve. Start using the On Tilt Trading Futures Pricing Calculator today and join our mailing list for more free futures tools!

Understanding Futures Contracts

Before we dive into How to Price a Future, let's first understand what a futures contract is. A futures contract is a standardized agreement to buy or sell a specific asset at a predetermined price at a specified time in the future. These contracts are traded on futures exchanges and can be used for various assets, including commodities, currencies, and financial instruments.

The Basics of Futures Pricing

Spot Price and Futures Price

The spot price is the current market price of the underlying asset. The futures price, on the other hand, is the agreed-upon price for the asset in the future. The relationship between the spot price and the futures price is fundamental in determining how to price a future.

The Cost of Carry

One of the primary factors influencing futures pricing is the cost of carry. The cost of carry includes storage costs, insurance, and interest expenses associated with holding the underlying asset until the contract's expiration date. The formula for the cost of carry is:

\[ \text{Futures Price} = \text{Spot Price} + \text{Cost of Carry} \]

Interest Rates

Interest rates play a crucial role in futures pricing, especially for financial futures. When interest rates rise, the cost of holding the asset increases, leading to higher futures prices. Conversely, lower interest rates result in lower futures prices.

Pricing Models

The Cost-of-Carry Model

The cost-of-carry model is widely used for pricing futures contracts. This model considers the spot price, interest rates, and other carrying costs to determine the futures price. The formula is:

\[ F = S \times e^{(r \times t)} \]


  • \( F \) is the futures price
  • \( S \) is the spot price
  • \( r \) is the risk-free interest rate
  • \( t \) is the time to maturity

The Expectancy Model

The expectancy model, also known as the expectations hypothesis, assumes that the futures price reflects the market's expectation of the future spot price. According to this model, the futures price will converge with the expected spot price as the contract approaches maturity.

Practical Steps to Price a Future

Step 1: Determine the Spot Price

The first step in pricing a future is to identify the current spot price of the underlying asset. This information is readily available on financial news websites, exchanges, and trading platforms.

Step 2: Calculate the Cost of Carry

Next, calculate the cost of carry, which includes storage costs, insurance, and interest expenses. This step is crucial for commodities and other physical assets.

Step 3: Apply the Appropriate Pricing Model

Choose a pricing model that suits your needs. For most futures contracts, the cost-of-carry model is appropriate. Plug in the spot price, interest rate, and time to maturity into the formula to calculate the futures price.

Step 4: Use the Futures Pricing Calculator

For a hassle-free experience, use the On Tilt Trading Futures Pricing Calculator. Our tool simplifies the entire process, allowing you to price futures accurately and efficiently.


Understanding how to price a future is essential for anyone involved in the futures market. By grasping the fundamentals of futures contracts, the cost of carry, and the various pricing models, you can make more informed trading decisions. The On Tilt Trading Futures Pricing Calculator is here to help you streamline this process, ensuring accuracy and efficiency.

Don't miss out on the efficiency and precision you deserve. Start using the On Tilt Trading Futures Pricing Calculator today and join our mailing list for more free futures tools! As you continue to explore the futures market, remember that accurate pricing is the key to successful trading. Stay informed, stay ahead, and make the most of the tools available to you.

In a world where market conditions can change rapidly, having a reliable method for pricing futures is invaluable. Equip yourself with the knowledge and tools necessary to navigate the futures market with confidence. The future is yours to price—take control today.