Navigating Divorce with the Help of an Atlanta Divorce Attorney

Divorce is a journey that none of us wish to undertake. However, when it becomes an unavoidable reality, it's essential to have the right guide by your side. An experienced Atlanta divorce attorney can serve as your compass, leading you through the complexities and uncertainties that accompany this challenging life transition.

The Importance of Agreeing in Divorce

Divorce doesn't have to be a battleground. In fact, the more you and your spouse can agree upon, the simpler and less costly the process will be. Unfortunately, it only takes one unreasonable party or lawyer to complicate matters, leading to increased adversarial behavior and expenses. This is where the role of an Atlanta divorce attorney becomes crucial. At Naggiar & Sarif, we strive to streamline the process, mitigating conflict and associated costs wherever possible.

Our Approach: Avoiding Trial

While we have extensive experience litigating divorce cases, our primary goal is to avoid trial wherever possible. We understand the value of out-of-court resolution for you and your family. However, we also recognize that there are circumstances where court intervention becomes necessary.

Our Commitment: Preparedness for Court

The vast majority of cases reach a settlement without the need for court intervention. However, those that do end up before the court—whether for a status conference, temporary hearing, or final trial—require a formidable advocate. Our experienced attorneys stand ready, ensuring that you are fully prepared for each step of the process.

Mediation and Settlement Conferences

Almost all cases involve a mediation or settlement conference, providing an opportunity to resolve outstanding issues. Our attorneys will guide you through this process, explaining everything every step of the way to ensure you feel confident and informed.

Why Choose Naggiar & Sarif?

Choosing an Atlanta divorce attorney is a significant decision, one that can heavily influence the outcome of your case. At Naggiar & Sarif, we bring a wealth of experience and strategic acumen to the table. We believe in clear communication, compassionate representation, and fierce advocacy. As your compass, we'll guide you through the difficult terrain of divorce, ensuring you emerge on the other side with your dignity and financial security intact.


Divorce may be one of life's most challenging journeys, but with the right guide, it doesn't have to be a treacherous one. An experienced Atlanta divorce attorney can help you navigate the process, protecting your interests every step of the way. At Naggiar & Sarif, we're committed to being that guide, providing compassionate and competent representation that respects your needs and the needs of your family. Consider the implications of your choice of representation—it's not just about the destination, but also about how you get there.