Deferment and Forbearance Options: How Private and Federal Student Loans Stack Up


Navigating through the world of student loans can be daunting. With a multitude of options available, it's easy to feel overwhelmed. One of the key aspects that students often struggle with is understanding the deferment and forbearance options for their loans. But fret not, because at YELO, our mission is to make college financing more equitable and better suited for students' needs.

Understanding Deferment and Forbearance

Before we delve deeper, it's important to understand what deferment and forbearance mean. Both are options that can temporarily pause your student loan payments or reduce the amount you pay. However, the key difference lies in the interest accumulation during this period.

Federal Student Loans: Deferment and Forbearance Options

Federal student loans offer both deferment and forbearance options. Deferment can be a great option for those who are going through financial hardship, are unemployed, or are back in school. During deferment, interest does not accrue on certain types of federal loans.

On the other hand, forbearance is typically granted for a period of up to 12 months at a time, and interest continues to accrue on all types of federal loans.

Private Student Loans: A Different Ball Game

When it comes to private loans, the rules can be different. Many private loan providers do offer deferment and forbearance options, but these are often more limited than those for federal loans. Furthermore, interest typically continues to accrue during these periods, increasing the overall loan balance.

The YELO Advantage

At YELO, we understand that every student's situation is unique. That's why we offer innovative funding solutions that fill the funding gap in higher education when lower-cost federal programs, scholarships, and grants are not adequate.

Our approach is designed to be flexible, accommodating, and most importantly, student-focused. We're here to help you navigate your way through the complexity of student loans, offering guidance and insight into deferment and forbearance options that best suit your needs.


Understanding deferment and forbearance options for private and federal student loans is critical for making informed decisions about your college financing. It's about understanding your options, assessing your financial situation, and choosing the path that's right for you. And remember, at YELO, we're here to make that journey easier. Take the first step towards a more equitable and student-centered college financing solution today.